Choose the system that fits your needs

Types of buildings:
Residential Buildings
Educational Buildings
Institutional Buildings
Assembly Buildings
Business Buildings
Mercantile Buildings
Industrial Buildings
Storage Buildings
ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) system construction is a popular method of building that involves using foam blocks filled with concrete to create strong and energy-efficient walls. The system drastically reduces heating and cooling costs, provides exceptional insulation, and minimizes the use of wood, which is eco-friendly. The process involves stacking ICF blocks together to form the walls and reinforcement layers before filling them with concrete. The blocks can be cut to fit any shape, allowing for versatile designs. Overall, ICF system construction provides a durable and cost-effective solution for residential and commercial construction.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a lightweight building material made of cement, lime, sand, and water, mixed with an expanding agent. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and subjected to high-pressure steam in an autoclave, causing the material to expand and become porous. AAC has superior insulation and fire-resistant properties, is resistant to moisture and pests, and is easy to work with. It is commonly used in the construction of walls, floors, and roofs in residential and commercial buildings. AAC is considered an eco-friendly and sustainable building material due to its low carbon footprint and energy efficiency.

Isotex construction system consists of formwork blocks and slabs made of mineralised wood and cement.
One of its main benefits is that with just one quick and easy laying step, Isotex replaces the beam and pillar structure (the blocks are filled with concrete and have additional vertical and horizontal reinforcements), curtain walling and external cladding as the insulation is already inserted inside the formwork block. This halves the construction time of the structure and, consequently, the costs, reducing the need for labour (no specialised workers needed).
The special blocks provide a perfectly homogenous structure in terms of earthquake resistance, thermal, and acoustic proofing (eliminating thermal and acoustic bridges), fire resistance, and respect for environmental sustainability and circular economy.